
Get multiple cash offers. Instantly!

No Showings.  No Stress.  You Pick The Closing Date.

No Obligation.  Private Secure Dashboard.

Our AI-Powered software allows you to instantly see your home's cash offer value and review up to four selling solutions in 30 seconds or less. 

How It Works

Verify Your Address & Basic Property Info

View your offers, upload additional property photos to maximize value, and track future offers based on changes in your property's equity influenced by neighborhood comparables.

Upload Photos To Boost Your Value

Boost your property's potential worth by easily uploading and labeling photos from your phone, thus enhancing the precision of our AI-Powered estimate.

Review Your Instant Offers

Receive immediate cash offers computed using advanced AI technology. Our software matches your property with a $10 Billion network of buyers to present you with the most competitive offers.

Multiple Offers.

One Representative.

Your information is kept private and will not be sold to a list of real estate professionals or investors who will bother you to schedule a meeting before they can present an actual offer. 

Review your offers first, and then connect with your InstantOffers representative to discuss all of your available options. 

Request Your Cash Offers

Offer Dashboard

Click each section below to learn more about the benefits of your secure seller's offer dashboard

  • View Your Instant Cash Offer Value

    When you're seeking an "Instant Cash Offer" online, it's not uncommon to encounter a barrage of real estate professionals or local investors - all before even receiving a concrete offer for your property.

    At InstaOffers, we do things differently. Our seller dashboard presents you with an AI-Powered Cash Offer Value, plus several actual cash offers, all meticulously matched with our expansive network of buyers worth $10 billion.

    Access your offers conveniently within a secure dashboard to kick-start the process. And remember, you're not alone in this journey. Our trusted InstaOffers representatives are ready to guide you through each offer and the entire selling process. We're here to ensure a seamless, stress-free experience.

  • Upload Photos To Boost Your Score

    Step into the process conveniently through our secure dashboard. Here, you can upload photographs of your property. These images, alongside our cutting-edge tech and in-house team of property analysts, work together to 'boost' your property's 'Cash Offer Value,' maximizing your potential offer.

  • Review Your Instant Selling Options

    Venturing into today's volatile real estate market? 

    Secure your cash offer with us in less than 24 hours.

     Sell Online: Bypass the inconvenience of incessant visits to your home. Choose convenience with our online selling platform.

    Maximum Profit: Don't compromise on your property's worth. Sell with certainty, knowing we're dedicated to fetching you top dollar.

    Flexible Schedule: With us, you sell on your terms. Request a late checkout or set a timeline that suits your schedule.

    Sell with Confidence: Our transparent processes and trusted representatives ensure you can confidently navigate your sale.

    Whether you're committed to selling or simply curious about your property's value, your no-obligation offer in in your control. 

  • Monitor Your Home's Cash Offer Value

    Stay ahead in the dynamic real estate market by regularly monitoring your home's Cash Offer Value and potential offers on your personalized InstaOffers dashboard. As properties in your neighborhood sell, the value of your home may rise, providing you with even better offers.

    Our dashboard serves as a central hub where you can keep track of all updates. Not quite ready to sell today? No problem. Your dashboard provides you with the latest updates on cash offers, ensuring you have the most accurate picture when you are ready to make a move.

    Enhance your potential cash offers by adding more photos or property details at any time. Our data team and AI work in tandem to analyze this additional information, potentially boosting your property's Cash Offer Value. Staying connected and informed has never been so simple or advantageous.

  • Close & Move When You're Ready

    Experience the flexibility of our 'Sell Now, Move Later' program. 

    InstaOffers empowers you to sell your property now, yet continue residing in it for up to 12 months. This unique arrangement offers multiple benefits:

    The Right Fit: No need to settle due to limited choices. Take your time to find the perfect property to buy in a market that suits you.

    Financial Readiness: This grace period allows you to secure your finances and get approvals ready, helping you adapt smoothly to changing rates.

    One-Time Move: Say goodbye to interim arrangements. With our program, there's no rush to relocate until you're ready, ensuring you only move once.

    Negotiation Power: With your current home sold, you're free from the constraints of contingent offers, providing you with better leverage when negotiating your next purchase.

    Sell with InstaOffers and discover a whole new level of flexibility and convenience in your real estate journey

Click Here To Get Started

Seller Options

We don't just provide the highest cash offer for your home - we offer options.

Enjoy the flexibility of selling your home and leasing it back for up to 12 months, or opt for 'Flip Your Own House'. With this choice, remodel your home without any upfront cost and confidently secure a profitable sale

Click Here to Get Started

Cash Offer Program

You're in complete control, get your cash offer in seconds and pick your move-out date.

Enter Your Address For Offer Details

Cash Plus Offer

Our cash offer gives you your cash today, with the upside of the market tomorrow.

Enter Your Address For Offer Details

Leaseback Program

Gain access to the equity of your home now and rent back your home for up to 12 months.

Enter Your Address For Offer Details


Cash Offers Fulfilled

$10 Billion

Available Cash Buyer Funds


National Real Estate Partners

Common Questions

  • Will my house be listed on the MLS, or are you purchasing it directly?

    We directly purchase properties in your area that align with our acquisition criteria. Once acquired, we might refurbish the house for resale to another homeowner or retain it as a rental property. Moreover, our team of experienced agents can assist if your preference is to list the home on the MLS. We're here to facilitate the best choice for your needs.
  • Can I receive a cash offer if my property is already on the MLS?

    Yes, we will work directly with your listing agent to submit a cash offer and you will be represented accordingly.
  • Do you work with condos?

    Yes, we have a large network of cash buyers that also include condos in their offers.
  • Am I able to counter an offer?

    Yes, you or your real estate agent will work with our offers desk to review your property details and cash offer value.

“I got a job transfer and needed to sell quickly. I accepted the highest cash offer and sold my home with no stress.”

Greg H

“After inheriting a home I needed to sell, I was able to get cash offers and sold to one of the buyers. It was fast and easy. "

Lisa and Marvin J

“We kept losing out on homes because we had a home to sell. The Become a Cash buyer program helped us get our dream home.”

Teri and Steve P
Ben Cardona
Epique Realty
(818) 253-1832 Email Me My Website


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